I Help Individuals & Organizations with Coaching, Conflict Resolution & Negotiations.

Coach, Mediator, Negotiator, London Ontario, Debbie Abt

Together we’ll get to the heart of the matter and develop a unique plan to identify your career goals, uncover the root of your conflict or negotiate a successful outcome.

There are three ways I can help individuals & organizations

  • Personal Coach London Ontario, Debbie Abbt


    Identify your strengths – Who am I?

    Transition to a new career – What do I do well?

    Invest in yourself - What are my goals?


  • Conflict Resolution London Ontario, Debbie Abt


    Interpersonal conflict – What has happened between us?

    Interorganizational conflict – We aren’t working together!

    Intrapersonal conflict – Why am I struggling?


  • Negotiation London Ontario, Debbie Abt


    Reaching agreement - Getting to Yes!

    An impasse – Getting past No!

    Best alternative to a negotiated agreement - What are my options?


  • We hired Debbie to assist us in preparation for our upcoming contract negotiations with our employee association. Debbie was a pleasure to work with and was able to facilitate and report on the items of highest importance to our employees for the upcoming negotiations. Debbie fostered an environment where our team felt at ease sharing their perspectives. Her quick turnaround in delivering a comprehensive report following her interactions with our employees proved invaluable. It set a positive tone for both our company and the employee association, laying the groundwork for a mutually satisfactory contract that addressed the needs of as many employees as possible.

    Natalie L. | HR / EHS Manager

  • Sometimes in our lives we experience circumstances that require an expert who can be objective and provide clarity through nonjudgmental suggestions. Debbie was that person for me. She listened to my concerns and then used her expertise to suggest possible solutions. I was so thankful for her objectivity and sincere wish to be helpful in any way she could. Debbie also followed up after my appointment to see how I was doing. I highly recommend Debbie.

    Grace P.

  • Debbie helped me navigate through a transition where I felt stuck. She was non-judgemental while she listened to what it is I wanted. She helped me explore different avenues to make a plan so I could be more confident about my decision-making process. Debbie is professional, knowledgeable, flexible and easy to talk to.

    Susana R.